Tim Vs. Bob 1, 2, and 4.5 Patches

For those of you that played at Tim vs. Bob I, II, and 4.5…. we just received our sample patches and you will be receiving yours soon. These patches are awesome collector items only available to those who went to the Game. They are awesome collector patches that will make your patches collection more awesome! So keep checking your mail box if you went to Tim vs. Bob, Tim Vs. Bob 2, and / or Tim vs. Bob 4.5!

One Reply to “Tim Vs. Bob 1, 2, and 4.5 Patches”

  • If I bought thje tickets but couldn’t make it to the game could I still recieve 4.5? I was there for foyr and members of my team made it to 4.5 but sadly our alarms didn’t work, I already hate myself for not making it to 4.5 but I’m happy that I made it to 4

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