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Part 2 – Airsoft GI Marketing Team
March 9, 2012
As I promised, let me introduce you to more members of the Airsoft GI elite marketing team. Last article, we introduced Tim, Aaron and Brandon. For this article, I am going to introduce you to Bob, CJ, and yours truly.
Bob “The Axeman” Hildebrand

As you all know, Bob is the most interesting character in Airsoft GI history (Yes, even better than TIM). Just like most members of the Airsoft GI Marketing Team, Bob’s very first airsoft gun was a KSC G18C. After playing for a while with his KSC G18C, Bob some how magically convinced his grandma to purchase the 1stgeneration Classic Army MP5 AEG. In 2007, Bob joined Blackwatch (Tim’s airsoft team) and start the “Axe-kill” trend ever since.

Currently, Bob has a Tokyo Marui M3 spring shotgun. Bob also has a G&G M16A4 which he uses as a designated marksman rifle. He also has a custom CA M4 CQBR as a back up rifle. However, Bob rarely use those 3 guns. In fact, Bob’s main work horses are the KWA KMP9, KWA ATP, and of course, the infamous AXE. According to Bob 95% of his kills in airsoft games are with Axe.
Chris “CJ” Johnson

CJ started playing airsoft since he was in the 7thgrade. He started his airsoft career with a clear spring pistol, which claimed numerous kills during games. CJ later on purchased a top of the line Western Arms GBBR and fully upgraded it. It features a full metal Vltor lower receiver, with a MUR style upper receiver. The gun has a Daniel defense Lite 9.0 rail, which gives it a slick look. To this day, CJ is still using the clear spring pistol, after 10 years of playing.

Andrew “Hong Kong Haley” Tai

Finally, I saved the best for the last. I started playing airsoft in 2006. I was hired by Airsoft GI in 2007. My very first airsoft gun was a HFC G3 AEG. I got into airsoft more seriously after I graduated from High School (I have to pay for my own stuff). My first serious airsoft gun was a fully customized Tokyo Marui M4A1. Later on, I purchased a KSC Glock 17 as my sidearm.

Since I am a real steel shooter as well (I own an AR15 and a Kimber 1911), my current airsoft inventory is a custom King Arms Gas Blow Back Rifle, and a KWA 1911 Professional Training Pistol Mark IV. So far I have had no problems with both guns, and they are as close to my real steel counter parts as I could get.
So check out these set-ups and enjoy the article and the pictures. This concludes the Airsoft GI Marketing Team. If you have something that you would like me to review / talk about, please feel free to contact me via Facebook or via email at andrewtai(at) Until next time, stay safe. I am Andrew, get out and play airsoft!