April 4, 2014
I’ve been working at AirsoftGI for over 4 years now and there is one question that I’ve been getting asked more and more recently and it generally goes something like this, “Bob I know you have a lot of stuff to push but do you really believe in [Blank] ?”
Now, one of the great aspects of working here is that I get to try out a lot of products that we sell. This allows me to do better reviews and educate our customers in a much more profoundly. That’s where the Gryffon Golem Chest rig and Dragonspine belt system come in.
These two Gryffon products looked, on the surface, like one of the best deals we’d ever had going on at Airsoftgi.com. For $15 you can either get the Golem chest rig that can hold 9 STANAG magazines or 6 AK magazines in addition to having MOLLE real estate on either side as well as an incredibly large map pocket that you can stow maps, beef jerkey, bubble gum, or any other number of airsoft necessities. On the other side of the coin, you can spend $15 to get the Dragonspine belt system that is essentially a tactical belt that includes a dual magazine pouch that can fit at least 4 STANAG mags in addition to a wide variety of other magazines as well as a dump/recovery pouch.