
Tag: award

The Players Have Spoken!

Airsoft GI is very honored to have won two categories in the 2011 Player’s Choice Awards, hosted by Popular Airsoft. We have been voted Best Airsoft Retailer for North America and won the award for Best Airsoft Video Review posted Online. Thank you all who voted, we wouldn’t be here with out you!

Just for you: up to 20% off coupon code: number1 (expiring in 48 hours)

Thanks for Watching!


YouTube Awards GITV Once Again!

This is happening quite frequently now, but we want to take every opportunity to thank our fans for their dedication and support for Airsoft GI TV. We enjoy making videos to inform and entertain and it’s great to know that they are well received. From Tim, as well as everyone else at Airsoft GI, Thank you!


YouTube Awards Airsoft GI! AGAIN!

We regularly receive awards from YouTube for our viewership. This would not be possible without YOU, the Airsoft GI TV fans. Thank you all for your support. We will continue to post our YouTube awards on this blog as a reminder of how much we appreciate your support.


YouTube Gave us Two Awards!

We’ve been most viewed for the day before, and we’ve been most viewed for the week before, but this is the first time we’ve had two awards on our channel at the same time. This would not be possible without YOU, the GITV Fans. From all of us at Airsoft GI thanks for watching!

2 Awards
2 Awards