Congrats Zack for winning the Socom Gear M200

In his own words:

Ok, so I am an “airsoft junky” I taught every one of my friends back in Florida about airsoft then soon left to move to NC, well then started it up here with a lot of my local friends and play at my local airsofting field “cane creek”. so I am totally familiar with airsoft. Well that is not so important so I will just get to the point :). just got home today and I was expecting my mystery box that I purchased from ASGI filled with parts and various bb’s of the sort. Well, I picked it up surprised at how light it was. Thought whatever… It is a 1 in 200 shot… So I open it and it is a bunch of various parts as expected. So I walk away for a moment and remember in the unboxing video I saw earlier today the person had a coupon code. So sure enough I go back and what do I see… The redemption code! I freaked… not your average freaking my friends! I was in awe. Their service is so great, sent an email to ASGI and I already have a order update saying the paperwork is already written up! Once again, amazing service ASGI. Well done! Now just need to buy some gas 😉

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